Effect of Exercise Therapy on Endurance and Flexibility in Young School Children


  • Urooj Ahmed Khan Visiting Faculty, Department of Health physical Education & Sports Science, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan Author
  • Prof. Dr. Basit Ansari Department of Health physical Education & Sports Science, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan Author
  • Hamayun Imran Azeemi Department of Health physical Education & Sports Science, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan Author


The major concern of this research was to investigate the effect of exercise therapy on endurance and flexibility in young school children. The current research was conducted to investigate, evaluate the impact of exercise therapies and to investigate the difference in endurance and flexibility between boys and girls. Positivist research paradigm, pre-test post-test quasi experimental research design. ABA single subject experimental research design was used to collect the data from the students before, during and after the intervention. PAQ-C, flexibility and endurance tests of participants, Mean, standard deviation percentage, graphs, correlation and regression tests were calculated to generate the results. Students are mostly engaged in jogging and other activities. They are only engaged in physical activities in PE classes. Results of this study demonstrated that PA have significant effect on student flexibility and endurance. Boys perform better than girls. The current study founded that PA affects the flexibility and endurance of school children. Students, weight, height, waist circumference not changed due to PA. Endurance and flexibility increased after three months of physical activity.


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How to Cite

Effect of Exercise Therapy on Endurance and Flexibility in Young School Children. (2025). Journal of Political Stability Archive, 3(1), 25-48. https://journalpsa.com/JPSA/article/view/53